Helping Families Reach Agreements Moving Forwards

Welcome to Kent Family Mediation Service


Kent Family Mediation is the largest family mediation service in Kent, offering affordable mediation services to help resolve issues relating to children and finances.


Our meetings are held virtually online.


For clients on low incomes, we offer legal aid (if eligible) to cover mediation costs.


The Government’s Mediation Voucher Scheme is also available, which is a voucher of up to £500 per case towards mediation sessions involving children.  



If you are thinking about taking an ex-partner or other family member to court, then unless there are exceptional circumstances, you will need to attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) before you can make an application.


Family mediation is a quicker, less costly and much fairer way for people to discuss and reach amicable agreements outside of the court process.


Our qualified family mediators can help you make arrangements for


  • Children
  • Property and Finances



Our Affiliations & Accreditations

Family Mediation Services

Family Mediation is the courts preferred way of resolving an argument, or issues that occur after a separation, or the breakdown of a relationship;including sorting out child contact, the custody of a child, child support maintenance and disputes...

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