Other Helpful Organisations & Advice
Kent Family Mediation Service networks with and promotes a number of family and community organisations in Kent. We welcome other organisations and agencies who would like to work with us, in order to create a positive impact on the lives of people and families living in Kent.
If you would like to discuss ways of working alongside Kent Family Mediation Service, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]
Click on the logos in the boxes below to go through to each organisations website.
Family Support & Support for Individuals

The foundation of a long, happy life is knowing how to take care of your health. This website will help you to learn about each stage of life, and become a well-informed health consumer to improve your quality of life.

Home-Start is one of the leading family support charities in the UK. Home-Start volunteers help families with young children deal with the challenges they face. They support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children. Families struggling with post-natal depression, isolation, physical health problems, bereavement and many other issues receive the support of a volunteer who will spend around two hours a week in a family’s home supporting them in the ways they need.
Home-Starts across the UK also support families in groups, hold day trips and Christmas parties and help access local services, as well as lots of other support.

Relate are located in East Kent. They can help with marriage guidance, relationship counselling, sex counselling and teen counselling.
Domestic Violence
Advice for Single Parents & Separated Parents

The longest established, best-read, free parenting magazine in the South. ABC Magazine is the FREE local parenting magazine offering practical parenting advice to everyone with young children. From babies to big kids!
Every issue of ABC Magazine is packed full of local information and practical parenting advice to help you find what you need and where to buy it, ideas on what to do and where to go, where to find this and that - all child related and child friendly!

Online resource giving advice about welfare benefits, consumer affairs, employment, family & personal, Government Law & Rights, Money & Tax

A kidspace is a unique programme that supports children and young people through their parents separation. Sessions comprise of play based and creative therapeutic intervention and provide a ‘safe’ and conditionally confidential space for the child/young person to work through their feelings and express the impact the separation of their family is having on them.

Cafcass represents children in family court cases. We make sure that children's voices are heard and decisions are taken in their best interests.
We are independent of the courts, social services, education and health authorities and all similar agencies.
Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.

If you can’t reach agreement with the other parent and make a child maintenance arrangement by yourselves, the Government runs a statutory service that can arrange child maintenance on your behalf.

The CoupleConnection ‘do it yourself’ relationship support service empowers you to work on your relationship for yourself.The site provides a wide range of articles, self-assessment tools, activities, quizzes, exercises and courses to help you to improve and strengthen your relationship.

Homes for Fathers and Families (“HOFF”) is a project aimed at providing the same degree of support for single fathers as is available for single mothers in the UK

Dandelion Time is a charitable project for children and young people traumatised by abuse, neglect or having early life attachment difficulties. Children may be displaying emotional distress through aggressive or withdrawn behaviour, their issues having led to conflict at home and withdrawal or exclusion from school.
We provide practical farm-based developmental activities and a therapeutic service to help children overcome past suffering, develop in confidence and self-esteem and discover a new and positive path to follow.

You are not alone. Since 1999 we have been an independent organisation of professionals giving divorce advice and help to anyone who asks.

Getting divorced is widely recognised as one of the most stressful times in your life. You are likely to be offered advice from many sources, and it can become very confusing as to the best options for you and your children. However, if you are equipped with unbiased details, it can enable you to make more informed choices. We hope to help you manage the process and even show you how to have fun after you're divorced.

The UK's most advanced paternity test
Fast Accredited Results
Cost effective options
Complete care & support
Trusted by thousands

Family Lives works around the clock, transforming the lives of families, supporting parents and making happier relationships, happier families and a stronger society. Our experience enables us to help families with any problem or challenge that they face. Our trained family support workers, both paid and volunteer, offer all family members immediate and on-going help on the phone, online or in local communities.

Happy Steps is the UK's only, research based stepfamily resource centre. Stepfamilies are now the fastest growing family type in the UK. It's estimated that 1 in 3 of all families are now stepfamilies. Despite this, there is very little help and support available. Happy steps has been designed to gather together a whole range of services to help families and individuals strengthen their stepfamilies and to provide training and tools for organisations and family professionals.

Marriage Care offer marriage preparation, relationship counselling and specialise in helping couples whether married or not, to build and sustain strong, fulfilling, healthy relationships, and in providing support in times of relationship difficulty.

One Plus One strengthen relationships by creating resources that help families and frontline workers tackle relationship issues early.

One Space is a community for single parents with support from experienced parenting facilitators bringing together essential information, interactive learning & friendly forums for peer support. It is a lifeline to many who are parenting alone.
One Space aims to be the first port of call for single parents online – providing professional 1-2-1 advice from a team of experts in areas such as family law; benefits; CSA; money and debt; relationships and separation etc.
One Space is delivered by the Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) with support from the Department for Education.