Solicitor Supported Mediation
Choosing a Solicitor to Work With You During the Family Mediation Process
Kent Family Mediation Service are very much of the belief that it is wise to consult with a family solicitor at key times during the family mediation process, most especially at the point of reaching an agreement with the other person.
But whether you qualify for Legal Aid, which pays for all of your mediation sessions plus free help from a participating family solicitor or whether you are a private fee paying family mediation client and want to pay privately for a solicitor, which firm of family solicitors will you choose to work with you during the family mediation process?
To assist you with this important decision, below are tables by area that contain the names of a number of reputable family solicitor firms in Kent.
All of the Solicitor firms listed here work collaboratively with Kent Family Mediation Service and fully support the family mediation process. Click on the name of your chosen family solicitor firm to go through to that firm’s website, please give Kent Family Mediation Service a mention if you contact them directly.
North Kent Family Solicitors
Mid Kent & Medway Family Solicitors

Thomas Haywood Solicitors
* Domestic Violence must be evidenced and documented